Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Early Birthday

Abby's grandma, grandpa and cousin from Connecticut came down to celebrate her birthday early. She had a great time playing with cousin Evan. She warms up to kids so much faster than adults. Abby warmed up to grandma and grandpa after a little bit of time- and it was clear that she enjoyed their company as well. She especially enjoyed taking food off of grandpa's plate.

Abby freaked out (in a good way) over a gift from Aunt Sara and cousins Koty and Shyanne: A pink puppy that makes cute sounds and wags its tail and flops it ears when you pull it along. In fact, the other day, she screamed every time I stopped pulling it. I redirected her to use the sign for "more"- 'cause that's the closest one I know for "do it again," and she did it instead of screaming. Now, whenever she wants me to pull it for her again, she signs "more" instead of screeching at an eardrum busting decibel. Baby sign rocks! The picture below is not of that particular incident- but it gives you a good idea of Abby's spiritedness when she is not getting what she wants at the moment.

Some other pictures from the wonderfully beautiful fall days we have been having- and a play date with a fella Abby has known since before they were born. We met Jackson's parents in our Prepared Childbirth class at UNC, and are glad to have kept in touch with them!

Play at the park on a cool day:

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Dressing Up and Getting Dirty!

Abby was a sweet little ladybug for her first Halloween.

Her Friend Owen from down the street, who was a strawberry, came over to celebrate.

They did The Monster Mash with Rick

Abby LOVES blueberries. Here are a few shots of her enjoying some the other night. We think they bring out the blue in her eyes...

Abby's a real walker now. She walks most of the time- though she chooses to crawl at times as well. As you can imagine, it's hard to catch her doing anything. Nevertheless, here is an attempt to catch her walking. Please only look at Abby and not the incredibly messy house. A tornado actually did come through our home that day.

By the way- tried to upload this video on Blogger. Didn't work. You Tube is much easier!