Wednesday, June 25, 2008

This is How She Rolls

Here is a 2-minute video of Abby showing off her rolling skills. She's pretty subdued and a slight bit cranky in this video, it's right before bed time- but you get the idea. You can see how she's on the verge of crawling. The video is a little dark.

It has been awhile since the last post. My apologies- the only excuse is that things have been very busy around here. So, here's the update on what Abby's doing now.-- As you saw from the video above, she rolls around a lot. She scoots backwards very well, and is getting the hang of scooting forward. She can scoot forward on her butt when she's sitting down very well (not like Cosette)- and travel quite a distance. Abby has not met a food she does not like. She's a great eater (still taking formula too). She's eating finger foods like a champ. She can pick up a Cheerio and put it in her mouth on her own. She also likes to chew on the heel of hard bread and on pizza crust. Abby can drink from a small glass when someone else is holding it. She has not quite gotten the hang of the sippy-cup. It's a very different concept for her- and I think she's a little confused that she has to suck on it to get liquid out. She has 2 teeth on the bottom. They seemed to have come in at the same time- which explains why she had such a difficult time a few weeks back- when we thought there was only one coming in. She's been sleeping very well (hold on, let me find some wood to knock on). Abby is a very happy baby. She giggles all the time, and she finds Cosette very funny when she's running around in the back yard. She has just started to show some separation anxiety- especially with mommy. All I have to do is step out of sight for a millisecond, and she can go into full-blown tears. Once I pop back in sight, she stops crying. She does this with daddy too, but to a slightly lesser extent. Abby seems happiest when all of her people are within her visual field. She can be distracted though, and she'll forget what she was crying about if you're crafty enough. That's all I can think of for now... Check out Abby's daddy's website at the right- there are some great things happening with Triangle Brewing Company! Abby and Mom are very proud!

Sunday, June 1, 2008

6 Months Old!

Our girl is growing so fast! She is becoming more and more mobile every day. Abby can roll all over the living room, and she does something that approximates crawling-but with her head on the floor, and not much ground covered. Tummy time is no longer tummy time. It's roll all over the place time.

Abby recently had her first dip in a real pool at Grandma's apartment. She really enjoyed it, and it tuckered her way out.

Next, a little time in her own pool... The water was a bit too cold for her at first, but she quickly got used to it and enjoyed playing with her water toys as mommy and daddy looked on.

Other news: Abby has cut her first tooth! She has not been a bad teether at all. She occasionally gets crankier than usual, but that never lasts long. Cosette has also experienced some tough love courtesy of her little sis. As Abby was gently stroking her ears, she decided that one of them would be something nice to pull on. Mommy heard Cosette yelp- and realized what had happened. Cosette was very good about it and even gave Abby a kiss afterwards- just to let her know she wasn't mad. We did warn Cosy that this probably wouldn't be the last time she'd get an ear- or anything else pulled at the hands of Abby. Every dog for herself...